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 Leg Positioning System™

PURIST Leg Positioning System
hip with implant icon in red

Measurable, reproducible positioning for anterior hip replacement

clipboard icon in red

Staff-friendly operation and small storage footprint – perfect for ASC's

or table icon in red

Compatible with your existing OR tables

The PURIST enables all essential leg movements for anterior THR in a condensed and efficient manner. It is built to perform independent DA THR movements on a graduated scale - and its enhanced design allows the surgeon to control traction and rotation intra-operatively with precision and without help from non-sterile personnel.


Its quick setup, staff-friendly operation, and small footprint make the PURIST popular with busy OR teams.


Combine the PURIST with any standard OR table to build a superior leg positioning system. 


Improved Surgical Workflow

Dr. Stefan Kreuzer (Houston, TX) walks through his femoral exposure procedure and femoral implant installation using the PURIST. 


Duration: 07:49


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Surgical Pearls - Dr. Kreuzer
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Simple Setup

We know OR time is valuable. The PURIST can be easily set up with any OR table at your facility.
Duration: 03.40


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Anterior approach hip replacement requires more specific positioning than other approaches. See how the PURIST provides each of these necessary positions in detail.


Duration: 06.08


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Precise Femoral Positioning​

Typical Leg Positions
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Dr. Cameron Cooke (Brisbane, Australia) shares his experience and covers every step of his anterior THA technique using the PURST.


Duration: 23:15


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Step-by-step Guidance 

Surgical - Dr. Cooke
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Modular Design

It takes less than 5 minutes to assemble, and no tools are required. Components can be easily switched out if needed - minimizing service downtime.


Duration: 02.23


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This video covers everything you need to know in detail.


Duration: 13:59


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“After using the PURIST, I am spoiled. It is simple, reliable, and in my opinion, indispensable for efficient OR workflow.”


David R. Dietrich, MD (USA)




The IOT Perineal Post (POP) provides hip and leg counter traction for surgical procedures performed in the supine position. The device was designed for 450 N of traction, and provides simple and secure attachment to the side rails of US, EU, and Denyer OR tables.

Perineal Operative Post product image

The Opposite Leg Holder (OLH) provides counter traction and firm position control of the non-operative leg. With its modular design and intuitive functionality, the opposite leg holder allows swift installation on the side rails of any standard US, EU, or Denyer OR table.

Opposite Leg Holder for swift installation on side rails on OR table

The DAA Tabletop 360 tabletop accessory improves surgical access and radiolucency when using a C-arm. The femoral support offers intraoperative adjustment of both height and lateral position to lift the proximal end of the femur for optimal exposure.

DAA TOP 360 product image

This tabletop accessory improves surgical access and allows x-ray cassettes to be used with standard OR tables for full pelvic x-ray visualization during anterior THR. 

product image of MPXRAYCER tabletop accessory surgical access



Gross and fine continuous control up to 5.2 in  (130 mm).



Max. 180 degrees w/ adduction. Resolution = 10 degrees.



Continuous control up to 31.5 in (800 mm).

Automatic traction release.



Max. 40 degrees.  Resolution = 10 degrees.



2 ft (61 cm)


3 ft (91 cm)


88 lb (40 kg)

Patient Weight Capacity:

500 lb (227 kg)*


*If the safe working load of the OR table used is lower than this, the OR table patient weight limit takes priority.


Patents Pending. 

US Patent No. 9,949,861 and 11,051,965

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