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Icon hip

Improved visualization and surgical access during anterior hip replacement

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Intraoperative adjustment of femoral support height and lateral position

icon or table

Compatible with any standard OR table (US/EU/JPN/Denyer)

This tabletop accessory improves surgical access and radiolucency when using a C-arm. Cutouts under the hip allow for soft-tissue fallout, easing surgical access to the ace-tabulum. The femoral support offers intraoperative adjust-ment of both height and lateral position to lift the proximal end of the femur for optimal exposure.

CT image generated with DAA Top 360


Adjustable Femoral Support

The height of the femoral support can be adjusted intra-operatively through the drape. Keep it low while working on the acetabulum, then raise it up before moving to the femur.


*11 height settings available

Detail of DAA TOP 360

Improved Acetabular Access

Cutouts under the hip allow for soft tissue fallout –easing surgical access to the acetabulum. 

DAA TOP 360 top view with arrows to show cutouts

Excellent Visualization

The carbon fiber tabletop and distal placement of the

perineal post support structures provide optimal radio-lucency when using a C-arm.

Detail of DAA TOP 360

The pad thickness is optimized for patient stability, and a

section of softer padding near the patient’s tailbone

reduces possible pressure points.

Optimized Design

Detail of a softspot for Optimized Design
DAA Top 360 top view


Femoral Support Height:

11 settings. -10 mm to +90 mm



19.7 in (50 cm)



41.1 in (104.5 cm)


28.7 lb (13 kg)


Patient Weight Capacity:

500 lb (227 kg)*


*If the safe working load of the OR table used is lower than this, the OR table patient weight limit takes priority.

Specifications MP XRAYCER
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